Real Name: Erik
Artagel has been playing PixieMUD
since 1992.
Artagel has been a Wizard on PixieMUD since 1992.
Guilds Artagel has belonged to:
Warmage and Druid
He heard about PixieMUD from:
It was sooo long ago, Art cant remember.
Artagel's Personal Profile:
When I started at PixieMUD I was a graduate student in chemistry
at the University of Chicago. Since then I have been to law school
at Northwestern University, and am an attorney in a law firm
downtown Chicago. I specialize in intellecual property law,
especially focussed on patent law.
Things Artagel has Coded:
My area is just south of the adventurer's guild, most of that
was coded in 1992. After that I worked on documentation, with
documentations on the coding of rooms, and monsters being foremost.
My documentation worked warranted my promotion to senior,
whereupon I took up sponsoring. My sponsorees varied enormously,
but were all a lot of fun.
(Jesse, Maggi, Bouncer, Droog, Grunt and others)
I have had a hand in a number of
projects. As a senior I helped
Heron modify the core files to handle the skills system. The
daemon in its current form solved many of the lag problems we
I helped Caper convert many of the objects in /obj to
inherit /std/Object.c including weapon and armor files.
Most recently I have handled the
driver installations, and the coding
of the simul_efun object to allow the old 3.1.2-DR library to
under a recent LPMud driver. The security system which handles
file accesses came from Tubmud, but I installed it into the current
Pretty much everything I have done
I owe to Bellem, Caper, Fantasma,
Crom, Heron, and Naylor. (Naylor, whatever his faults, was very
supportive of me when I was about level 1500-1800)
Artagel's special PixieMUD or Pixie
People moment:
Well, I guess there was my one demotion. I had coded an object
had a loop to clone and deliver an object to an unsuspecting
I asked BTE if he wanted a million bucks. So, I commanded the
to deliver 1000000 "bucks" to BTE. BTE was not amused,
and my
level decended rapidly. Despite crashing the game, Random was
mightily amused and promoted me back to above my old level right
away. That's the spirit of the old PixieMUD I guess.
Hey Artagel, What's in store for
PixieMUD was at the forefront of encouraging creative
communication, and I think can build on that. The emotes,
channels, and general outlets of communication have always
been constructive and low on spell points for most purposes.
I think encouraging a creative communicative atmosphere
is what we do best, and that's where we will go.