Real Name: Taj

Grunt has been playing PixieMUD since 1991.
Grunt has been a Wizard on PixieMUD since 1992.

Guilds Grunt has belonged to:
Warmage, Undead, High Druid, Ranger, Dragon, and Druid

He heard about PixieMUD from:
A Friend.


Grunt's Personal Profile:
I have played pixie for a long time,and still enjoy the company. I live in Austin
Texas and currently attend SWTSU.

Things Grunt has Coded:
I have done both bace codeing,and area codeing.
I have two areas, and lots of items in Pixie

Grunt's special PixieMUD or Pixie People moment:
I remember when the wizing class of 92 all got togehter and
solved the scav hunt together to wiz. That should tell you somthing right there
and the Texas Pixiecons were really cool.

Hey Grunt, What's in store for PixieMUD?
A fully interactive picture formated game similer to virtual reality.
(hehe... That otta be fun to code!)