Real Name: Janet.
E-Mail: Just log into PixieMUD and ask her.
Hamster has been playing PixieMUD
since 1991.
Hamster has been a Wizard on PixieMUD since 1992.
Guilds Hamster has belonged to:
Druid and High Druid.
She heard about PixieMUD from:
A Friend.
Hamster's Personal Profile:
"The hamster's most fascinating feature is, of course, her
cheek pouches, into which she can stuff a truly incredible
amount of food. When her pouches are full, and her head
ballooned to double its size, she resembles no other
creature in this world...."
This Is True.
It is also lifted from "Your First Hamster" by Peter
Smith, whith liberal editing so that I don't have a gender crisis.