Real Name: Jon

Iceblade has been playing PixieMUD since 1991.
Iceblade has been a Wizard on PixieMUD since 1992.

Guilds Iceblade has belonged to:
Warmage, Undead, High Druid, Ranger, Paladin, Dragon, and Druid

He heard about PixieMUD from:
A Friend.


Iceblade's Personal Profile:
I'm now (1998) a first year law student at the University of Wisconsin.
I still keep a little bit in touch with some pixie people, mostly the ones
I went to undergrad with (Wesleyan University).

Things Iceblade has Coded:
Wax Trax Records and the Newbie Help Room.

Iceblade's special PixieMUD or Pixie People moment:
I can't publish those without violating CDA II.