Real Name: Adam
Raptor's URL:

Raptor has been playing PixieMUD since 1998.

Guilds Raptor has belonged to:
Undead, Ranger, and Dragon

He heard about PixieMUD from:
A Friend


Raptor's Personal Profile:
Umm I dunno I am 6' 140lbs brown hair and eyes.I like pixiemud
it is a great mud.I was a little hard to deal with when I started,
but now I have worked most of those things out I think anyway :).
I try to help player newbes more than others, but will if asked.

Raptor's Character Profile:
Raptor is a very evil player comes with the guild. I am in the Undead
guild at the moment. He hates good things and will try to destroy
them if he can.Is strong, but can be stronger. Will work hard to get
what he needs done.Reports bugs when he can.He is tough
but his fighting methods confuse many.