Real Name: Zack

Reter has been playing PixieMUD since 1991.
Reter has been a Wizard on PixieMUD since 1998

Guilds Reter has belonged to:
Druids and Warmages

He heard about PixieMUD from:
A Friend


Reter's Personal Profile:
I am a 25 year old Telecommunications System Network
Specialist for Union Pacific Railroad. In my spare time
I work on this website, Chat on PixieMUD, and also work on
my own mud, Vengeance. My family, Jennifer (Gwenbolynne),
my son Eric, and daughter Carol-Marie keep me very busy.
I like to Cook, do web design, and pester Minx. I have
watched PixieMUD grow from just a few players to more than
the system could handle at ELOF. I hope to see that again
and believe it will.

Things Reter has Coded:
This Web site and a couple of now notorious ansi spam bombs.

Reter's special PixieMUD or Pixie People moment:
There have been many...
Favorite story was when I and my now EX-roommate (lets just
call him "K"), went to visit Sioned and Wildflower at Sam
Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. While we
were there Sioned and Wild flower showed us a real good time
until Sioned got this wild idea to try and slide the car
that we were riding in around a large curve. For some
reason she was under the impression that if you slammed on
your breaks while skidding that your car would go in the
direction that your wheels were turned. Needless to say
we ended up kissing the guard rail. The right front
fender was now up agenst the wheel and Sioned started to
drive away. As the smell of burning rubber began to
envelope the car, "K" and myself convinced her to pull over.
We jacked up the car and put on the small yet functional
"donut" spare tire. It was small enough to keep the fender
from rubbing agenst the wheel. Just as we were about to
depart a very nice Huntsville police officer pulled up and
asked us about the lovely guardrail that now had a Buick
sized dent in it. All of us profusely denied it as we did
not want Sioned to get a ticket. The officer had us join
him down at headquarters where he called Sioned's father
and explained what he saw. Her father was needless to say:
unhappy... After that we rode around in my 1951 GMC and
had Mexican food until we all exploded.


Hey Reter, What's in store for PixieMUD?
I see Pixie going through a transition where we loose alot
of "dead weight" and have a massive rebirth. The environment on
PixieMUD has become friendly again, and I see many people
wanting to be part of it.

So log in and play.. We're all waiting!