Real Name: Richard
E-Mail: Log into Pixie and ask him!

Rogi has been playing PixieMUD since 1993.

Guilds Rogi has belonged to:
Undead, Dragons, Bards, and Druids

He heard about PixieMUD from:
A Friend.

Rogi's Personal Profile:
I started playing while at Indiana University and was heartbroken when
Pixie went down. I only recently rediscovered PixieMUD and have
been a happy addict ever since. I live in San Francisco, am an
aspiring actor with a degree in English and History. <straddling stool>
"I love to knit, read the bible and tuck mom into bed at night." *wink*

Rogi's Character Profile:
Rogi is a very old man with intense, piercing gray eyes.
He looks to be in his late fifties but is actually much, much
older. He loves whiskey, old books, telling stories and a big,
roaring fire.

Rogi even has a small story to tell:
Gentlemen don't tell.